Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 4... Tuesday. 3 Days after day 3.

Thoughts - You should never work with people you like they just turn out to be jerks. Its like everyone telling you you shouldn't room with friends in college. Maybe when you spend all your time with one person you begin to realize another side of them. Sometimes its a good side but that side goes away when they're around other people, like with Sam. Others its like you begin to see that the person you thought they were is not that person at all and really a cruel person inside that you want nothing to do with, like with Adaire. Well, that's not completely true. She's not like that but she is beginning to piss me off.

Future - Its been a while since I posted last because like I last stated my days have been crazy! But we're looking a little more at blue skies ahead this week.

Finally got Protection's rehearsal schedule like 2 min ago. So I will go to those. End of wanting to talk about that.

Thur. I still get to go get my picture taken. I'm worried about it. I'm not sure I'll get everything ready in time to look good for my photo shoot. GUGH! I can't stand worrying about this.

PLUS prom is on Sat! Man I can't wait to stop booking up my weekends. Prom all day Sat. then Sun. I have church at 8:30am and GSS all the rest of the day. I need my weekends back.

Currently - Sitting in my PJs watching the Bones I missed. Thinking about how I'm going to get food. I need money. I really need a job.

Well I think that's it for this time. I'm too hungry now to think about other stuff to write.

Oh wait. I do want to talk about how amazing it was for Sam to dance with me last night. Thank you baby.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Day 3 - Wedding Cake, then.. Act III always gets me.

Thoughts - Maybe life isn't just all good and bad. I tend to notice more and more that I'm catching myself losing the important moments in life because I don't like to remember that all in all we should cherish the simple and little things in life. Such as food, breathing sweet scents, touching other people, etc. The little things in life that everyone takes for granted.

Thank you Thornton Wilder for ruining me with these sentiments.

Future - I still have no job lined up.

My dad has requested that I come with him on Monday to personally meet my college admissions counselor and get all that paper work sorted out Monday.

Thursday, my aunt and one of the most famous photographers in town are planning on taking pre-prom photos of me. But I don't complain because they're free. Although I will admit I'm a little nervous about my outfit and my hair and my look and... Well pretty much everything about me.

Tomorrow is promised to be a big day. I feel bad because I think its supposed to rain but Sam and the band are still going on. I guess it won't be too bad mixing for them. Although I will say I'm never too thrilled to be working with him. Not on stuff like this he tends to get too... personal.
My dad finally said he would indeed be showing up to my banquet tomorrow. Now I just need to find something to wear. I hate dressing up. That's a lie... I don't hate it but it annoys the crap out of me. Especially now when I'm fat and don't have any clothes to wear cause I'm out growing all of them. And that's not a good thing. I wish I didn't like food so much.

Currently - I'm just finishing up watching the second intermission set change (I'm calling it a set change because its really not a scene change. They tear down the entire set (except a tree permanently attached to the ground) and put up an entirely new one. ) before everyone returns from the wedding. In case you were wondering I'm watching Our Town for the third time. But I have to say I'm enjoying it much more watching it with what Dave has done to it rather than reading it.

Sam just walked by and started some crap because of what I said about him being to personal when we work together. I swear sometimes its like he doesn't think before he speaks. Whether is was a big thing or not bringing it up and telling me everyone said I was in the wrong and blah blah blah does not make me want to go with him in the morning to help!!

I found this bruising on my ankle the other day and was really curious why I had this huge bruise that didn't hurt. So, today I woke up and it was much worse than it was and had turned a rather nice purply-black color that all the good bruises turn. Naturally I told Sam and I showed him when we were hanging out and he has informed me (being his mom is a nurse) that I was bleeding under my skin and that was where it was gathering. He thinks it has to do with the little fall I had the other day in the park trying to climb up a muddy, steep hill when I had such a bad pain in my leg I could barely walk with out cursing under my breath. Personally I think they're unrelated but whatever. He said his mom will look at it tomorrow and then threatened to take me to the doctor. UGH... Sometimes... I hate him.

Today in English I was really worried that I was going to fail my test on Pygmalion. Thankfully I made a 100 + according to my teacher. I guess my ability to remember things for 10 min is starting to pay off. But I still had to deal with his speech on how college is going to be miserable for us all because we have no work ethic and no attention span. Which I guess is true.

Oh great was just told we're under a tornado watch tonight and its hailing and all sorts of miserable weather this weekend. Gotta say I am seeing quite a bit of red and purple coming at us on the Doppler Radar.

Its that time in the play that the smell of bacon overwhelms us... God now I want a bacon cheese burger.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 2 - Drama

Thoughts - I find myself sitting here complaining about life and things not going my way and how crappy I feel about a bunch of stuff... Yet, when I look at everything around me I feel like a huge jerk for thinking it in the first place.

I'm upset with my boyfriend, again. I feel like he doesn't seem to get me in any way shape or form. God this stuff is just annoying.

Future - This weekend is starting to get waay too busy for me. I mean I guess I'll have fun doing most of it but I really have a lot to do while trying to see if I can catch up on homework and projects. Fingers crossed for me please!

I'm starting to get pretty excited about my prom! May 1st... More on this later I'm sure.

Currently - I'm sitting on my couch bored and trying to have a civilized conversation with my boyfriend but its not really working. Maybe 3 years is finally getting to me.

My friend I was talking about whose project I was working on is no longer talking to me. After my explaining to her why I wasn't going to continue to help her anymore she flipped out and tried to get a couple of our friends to make me do it. However, that backfired because once they really found out what was going on they just agreed with me. I'm trying to be a good friend here and make her step up and take charge of her life. Give her the ability to prioritize her life and goals. But I just don't think she's ever going to learn how to do it. Not successfully at least.
I don't know what she's going to do in college. I told her she should come with me to college and she wants to take off to New York to go to a expensive college that she didn't even get into the Theater program at. She's going to end up on serious medication and probably OD eventually from the way she freaks and panics. She needs to learn to chill. I just have this feeling she's going to fail in college because no one is going to be there to hold her hand and help her.

I need a job... Bad. I hate finances.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Day 1 - Credits

Thoughts - My name is Callie. I'm starting this because I'm just trying to get a place where I can let out a bunch of feelings and thoughts that I don't let out during the day and I thought having a blog would help. I think it'll also help with the fact that I'm about to start going through major changes in my life and I'd kinda like to do it not alone.

Between working at School, Zach Theater Company, Palace theater, and odd jobs to meet new people, I'm constantly swamped! But when I have even a week of down time I feel like I'm dying of boredom.

Future - I'm about to graduate high school and move on to college, while all at once trying to create a career in the field of Theater. This shiz is way to hard to do sometimes.

I was kinda half asked to work the Zilker Musical this year but as sound and that's not my strong point. But between the money, people, and time, I'd be dumb to say no to it.

Currently - My good friend is putting on a play for her Capstone presentation. Its an original work she wrote and is directing and starring in herself. But I say this all loosely because at this point I've edited and rewrote at least half of the show, directed everything we've worked on and have single handedly designed the show (with the exception of most the set which by default is the set of Medea that the middle school directors are putting on).
Yet with all this work for my good friend I will get nothing for it. No grade. No fame. Pretty much just my name in a paper program that most people are not even going to look at. If it wasn't for my unexplained want and need of all my shows I see or work to be the best show it can be I'd quit. Darn my love of this art.

My boyfriend is working on Our Town at Zach Theater. This is the best performance of this show I've ever seen. Although not really a part of the show I find myself showing up in black and helping in emergencies if needed. I'm not like forcing myself upon the show, promise. I just care about how it turns out.
My main point in talking about it is the amazing staging and lighting of it. If you live anywhere in the area (Austin) I recommend you go see it. Its worth the trip!