Thursday, April 22, 2010

Day 2 - Drama

Thoughts - I find myself sitting here complaining about life and things not going my way and how crappy I feel about a bunch of stuff... Yet, when I look at everything around me I feel like a huge jerk for thinking it in the first place.

I'm upset with my boyfriend, again. I feel like he doesn't seem to get me in any way shape or form. God this stuff is just annoying.

Future - This weekend is starting to get waay too busy for me. I mean I guess I'll have fun doing most of it but I really have a lot to do while trying to see if I can catch up on homework and projects. Fingers crossed for me please!

I'm starting to get pretty excited about my prom! May 1st... More on this later I'm sure.

Currently - I'm sitting on my couch bored and trying to have a civilized conversation with my boyfriend but its not really working. Maybe 3 years is finally getting to me.

My friend I was talking about whose project I was working on is no longer talking to me. After my explaining to her why I wasn't going to continue to help her anymore she flipped out and tried to get a couple of our friends to make me do it. However, that backfired because once they really found out what was going on they just agreed with me. I'm trying to be a good friend here and make her step up and take charge of her life. Give her the ability to prioritize her life and goals. But I just don't think she's ever going to learn how to do it. Not successfully at least.
I don't know what she's going to do in college. I told her she should come with me to college and she wants to take off to New York to go to a expensive college that she didn't even get into the Theater program at. She's going to end up on serious medication and probably OD eventually from the way she freaks and panics. She needs to learn to chill. I just have this feeling she's going to fail in college because no one is going to be there to hold her hand and help her.

I need a job... Bad. I hate finances.

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